
Hotel Hack: Get Accor All Platinum Status (Almost) Free


Immanuel Debeer | 20/01/2023

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Brazil is the untapped loyalty/points country we all need to pay more attention to. The country has a lot of potential when it comes to lucrative reward programs, which we don’t hear a lot about.

It’s mainly because of the language barrier, which is closely followed by another requirement: the Brazilian tax ID. This number is needed for pretty much everything, and yes, it includes those juicy deals, one of which we’re going to discuss right now!

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The Deal: Accor ALL Brazil Subscription

Accor ALL has just launched a subscription program in Brazil, which essentially gives you Accor ALL Platinum status after one year, without staying the required 60 nights.

It’s free, but it isn’t…

To gate-keep all the cheapskates, this deal is only free if you plan to spend at least $1872 with Accor (no time limit).

Why is that? The subscription we’re about to look at costs AU$ 156 (give or take) a month; however, it also earns you 100 euros worth of Accor points each month. At the current exchange rates, that’s a break-even cost.

Let’s take a closer look:

The Accor All subscription plan has 3 different offers; since we’re after Platinum, we will ignore the first 2, but of course, you can run your own numbers and see if any of the entry-level promotions stack up for you.

As you can see, the “Absolute” subscription comes with a whole stack of benefits. For starters, you will earn 5,000 reward points each month.

The value of 5,000 Accor All points is 100 euro worth of accommodation.
On top of that, you also earn 5,000 points every 4 months.

So if we go for the annual plan (which offers 1 month free when you use coupon code “ALLSIGNATUREANUAL“), we would earn a total of 60,000 points + 15,000 bonus points for a grand total of 75,000 Accor Plus points.

Those 75,000 points are worth 1500 euro worth of accommodation which works out to around $2348. Considering we’re spending around AU$1720 for an annual plan, this is incredible value!

But wait… there is more.

Of course, it’s Platinum status we’re after. And with the “Absolute” subscription, we get within 2,000 status points of Platinum.
Each month you will earn 1,000 status credits, so at the end of the year, you will have a total of 12,000 status credits. This means you only need to earn an additional 2,000 credits throughout that year to see yourself bumped to Platinum Accor All.

If you’re wondering how much it will take to earn 2,000 status points, don’t worry, I’ve worked it out for you, and it’s only 800 euros or around AU$1252. This is a very reasonable amount considering you will have 1 year to achieve this target.

Anything else noteworthy?

Yes! After just 4 months of being a subscriber, you will be able to give someone else Gold Accor All status. The only requirement is that you are Accor Gold yourself. Since Accor Gold requires 7,000 points, you would be able to gift status after 7 months if you didn’t meet the target before.

Is Platinum Worth It?

As I haven’t achieved Platinum Accor All status myself, I can only go by reports from others, and the consensus is that Accor All Platinum is definitely worth it. As Platinum, you get suite upgrades and lounge access as a standard. You can also expect much better treatment considering that, unlike many other hotel status tiers, it’s relatively hard to earn Platinum status as it requires 5600 euros of hotel spending or 60 nights!

What’s the catch?

Remember how I mentioned the Brazilian tax ID at the start of this article, and you were probably wondering what the hell I was on about? Yep, that’s right, to sign up for this promo, you will need a CPF, which is the Brazilian tax ID. It’s free to apply, and you can complete the process online. It should take around 2 weeks to receive your CPF via email.

Here’s how to get your Brazilian CPF

Visit this site (hint: you might want to do this on a desktop/laptop computer, not your phone) and complete the form:

It’s a very poorly designed website, so make sure you have pop-ups enabled, or it won’t work. I’ve highlighted for you which fields you need to complete and which to leave blank.

how to get Brazilian CPF tax number

Once you’ve done that, click submit and make sure a pop-up opens up. Here you will be able to print off a form which has all your details + a reference number. Make sure you print or save it as PDF, as you won’t receive a copy via email.

From there, you willed to sign it, scan it back in and follow these instructions:

Send an e-mail to the address: [email protected]

The e-mail must contain the following:

  • Information of which service is being required (registration, amendment, regularization or cancellation of CPF); and the following documents attached, in PDF format or JPEG (The Brazilian Revenue Agency does not accept other formats or links to storage clouds):
  • Individual registration form (FCPF) mentioned in item 2) above, signed;
  • Identification document with photo proving name, date of birth and nationality (eg passport, national identification document, RNE/CRNM);
  • “Selfie” holding an identification document open, close to the face, for the purpose of proof of identity;

That’s it! Enjoy, and thanks to my Brazilian friend Gilly for the tip-off, as well as to Fabio and his team at Passageiro De Primera for bringing this promo to my attention!

FYI, as I’m writing this, I’m also going through the same steps, so note that there will be a few unknowns during the sign-up process, which I’m not yet familiar with. In any case, I’ll keep this guide updated with my experience.

Update: I managed to sign up on the last day of January using a generated fake CPF number and the 1-month discount code. One thing I forgot to mention is that if you’re reading this article after this date, you may have missed the boat this year if the aim is to get enough status points for Platinum. This is because the Accor Status resets in data is December 31, which means you need to earn the status points from January until December. If you were to miss 1-2 months, you’d be behind for qualifying. It’s also worth noting that since posting, the CPF requirement has been removed, and the discount code also no longer works.


Immanuel Debeer

Chief points nerd and travel hacker at Flight Hacks

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  1. Thanks for the great tip, Immanuel.

    I successfully followed your advice on the process. It sounds fiddly but it worked well.

    The CPF too five days to come through.

    One FYI: The debit card I usually use for Accord ALL payments was declined, but it worked fine when I used an actual credit card.

    The status and reward credits dropped into my account within a couple of minutes

    • Hey Ti, thanks for sharing! I got a nice tip from another reader to use a CPF generator which allows you to come up with a random number that passes the purchase process. From there, the payment was indeed the hardest part. Most my credit cards and debit cards declined but I finally got it over the line with Amex Platinum.

  2. Hi Immanuel. Your excellent instructions worked for me too. Thanks a lot!
    I did have trouble with the promo codes, none of which worked and resulted in a site error. Finally decided to go with the monthly for the flexibility.

  3. Hi Immanuel, do I need to set up a new Accor account or could can I use my existing UK Accor account?
    Which point do I add my CPF number? Using my UK account, I see no request for the CPF at the payment page, is this because I need to set up a new Brazilian account?

    • Hi Molly, you can use your UK Accor account to log in and add it to that. At some point during the checkout process, you should be asked for CPF (at least I did). I used my Australian account. If you don’t have to enter CPF, even better I guess 😀
      Just keep in mind that if you’re doing this for status, you won’t get the points from January so you will fall short unless you make up for it yourself for qualification by the end of this year.

      • Ahh, so I’ll be 1000 status points short from January?

        Never really used Accor, I assume the reward points collected through the year can be used against bookings and still collect status points? When do you apply the reward points to reduce the rate, is this at check-in/out?

    • Hi Eelke, it appears they have removed the requirement for CPF. Maybe because all the international interest in this promotion?

  4. i successfully signed up and paid on Feb 14… And also got the receipt as well. What do I do now? My current accor account hasn’t changed at all and no bonus points received. Do I need to do anything else?

    • Points usually drop in a few hours. I’m not sure why you’re expecting your account to change though? Also keep in mind that because you didn’t sign up in January, you essentially missed the first month of status points.

      • Hi, as mentioned in my previous comment, i signed up for this on Feb 14. I havent seen any points in my account since then. Do you know why? Should I contact accor?

  5. Thanks Immanuel. Just signed up annual plan using Aus ALL account. Confirming some data points:
    1. CPF not required to sign up.
    2. Promo code for one month free no longer valid.
    3. Amex Plat charge card works well.
    4. Reward and Status points received within few minutes.

  6. What a great article.
    Is this reoccurring? As in will this automatically kick over at Jan 2024?
    Also if you subscribe now to the program does this mean your still paying the full year rate but only getting 8 or 9mths of status rewards?

    • I believe it’s ongoing, however you want to time your entry right if it’s the status points you are after. Satus points reset on December 31 so keep this in mind

  7. This is just failing for me. Comes up with an internal error, looks like it’s been locked down to Brazil.

    • Most likely, that said, I had to try multiple times to get it to work with Amex. Make sure your card issuer isn’t blocking the transactions for suspected fraud.

  8. Hi!I am an Aus Accor Plus Plat member. If I subscribe using my registered email, would this apply to my existing accor account?it’s hard to retain plat this year, given no fast track available

  9. Hi!
    Great tips these hacks have become my new obsession learning so thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
    Just curious if we purchase from Australia are we able to use the points to attend events at Accor Stadium Sydney? Is there many barriers with booking hotels in Australia & South East Asia or are we using the same app and system. Thank you

    • Thanks Julz! The points are the same as if you’d earn them in Australia or anywhere for that matter. If you can normally redeem points for Accor Stadium, you will definitely be able to redeem these as well.

  10. Hi Immanuel,

    I tried your hack and got my 5000 points and 1000 status in minutes.
    I am already Plat so this should get me back to Diamond, which l lost this year.
    Paid for the yearly on a monthly basis, so will have to wait to see if it auto renews or l have to manually process each month.
    My scam alert stopped me from paying the full yearly fee upfront lol.

    • l was right
      It is a scam
      First lot of points were the only ones l got.
      They took next months payment but no points were deposited into my account.

      l called Signature and they gave me some courtesy points but l cancelled as not prepared to chase them every month.

      Buyer beware.

  11. The program also gives 10% bonus when we transfer points to accor. I didn’t get the bonus points on transfer. Do you know when are those bonus points supposed to be credited? Or is there any restriction regarding the bonus to provided only when points are transferred from Brazil specific partners?

  12. Hey Immanuel or anyone who subscribed, how does the gifting of GOLD status work? Can I gift it to anyone or are there limitations?

    Thank you!

  13. Hey Immanueel, can you please humour me because I need reassurance I can count to 5.
    I’ll be about 4300 short to retain Platinum this year, if I sign up on 1 August that will get me 5x 1000 status points before the year finishes on 31st December?

    Have you seen any more promo codes for this floating around?

    • Hi Ethan, Accor credits me 1,000 status points on the 28th of each month so that should still get you 6,000 points by 28th December 23.

    • Keep trying different cards. They might block debit cards, I used my Amex and that worked after trying a few times with the same card.

  14. I think flighthacks is extremely annoying . Well , shouldn’t you just add a disclaimer that there is no benefit of these accor status points if you fail to achieve the extra points by end of December . I subscribed in July and now have 5500 status points which leads me NOWHERE . All points will become 0 in a week and I wasted so much of money for nothing . I won’t say it’s Accor mistake , it’s completely the dumb admin of this flight hacks who just posted this offer for their own affiliate money .

    • Hi Jay, maybe if you read the entire article you might have noticed that we do mention that Accor status resets at the start of the year. Even with that in mind, it’s common knowledge so perhaps you should educate yourself before jumping on a deal? You also seem to fail to understand that you get both reward points and status points. Reward points value will outweigh the cost of your membership. In terms of affiliate money LOL, we don’t earn any from posting about this deal. Have you heard the saying: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”?

  15. I’m thinking to subscribe in the first week of January. It appears the benefits are still the same. Is there any discount code available? Thank you.

  16. How do renewals for Accor All Signature work? Can you sign up for another subscription immediately after your last month points are credited?

      • Ah ok thanks. So, it effectively auto-renews unless you cancel it?

        I already tried doing a double sub since I thought I could try to sign up for more than one plan to get more status points. The system won’t let you have more than one sub active at a time.

  17. Just hit 4 months so trying to Gift Gold status to my partner (I’m platinum) and when i got through it says it will only gift Silver (which she already has)?

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